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People are constantly unsure about what they can and cannot eat. Concerned about their weight, they are always searching for the “ideal diet” to help them lose those evilly excess pounds. “Should I eat only vegetables?” people question themselves. How about launching a

diet? The Atkins diet? Is it the vegan diet or the zone diet? Perhaps I should simply eat fish. You may feel as though you are on the Gerbil Wheel of your diet life because of the seemingly endless list and dispute.continuing in circles without making any progress.

I have a few suggestions that can make choosing the appropriate or inappropriate foods to eat a little simpler and easier. Here is some “food for thought” without further ado.

Pork is off limits to you.You may contract swine flu.

You can’t consume chicken.You may contract bird flu.

You can’t consume beef.Mad Cow Disease could strike you.

You’re not allowed to eat eggs.Salmonella could infect you.

You can’t consume fish.Their waters contain toxicity and heavy metals.

Because of the insecticides and herbicides, you are unable to consume fruits and vegetables.

What are you able to eat?

Cakes, chocolate, and ice cream, I think, are left!

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