Mason Branstrator’s Unbreakable Spirit: From Paralysis to Marathoner

At 17 years old, Mason Branstrator’s life took a sudden and dramatic turn.

An avid athlete and experienced skier from Minnesota, Mason was on a typical downhill run when everything changed.

After a high-speed jump, he crashed, leaving him with a T-12 vertebra injury that paralyzed him from the waist down. “I remember thinking, ‘I’m going a little fast,’ and then everything went black,” Mason recalls.

The prognosis was grim—doctors informed him that walking might never be an option again. As a high schooler who thrived on sports, the news was devastating. After spending nine days in the ICU, Mason was transferred to Colorado’s Craig Hospital, a renowned rehabilitation facility for spinal injuries.

Over the next four months, he began the long, difficult journey of recovery. Instead of focusing on what he lost, Mason chose to embrace what he could still do. His wheelchair, far from a symbol of limitation, became a source of freedom and independence. Mason returned to his Minnesota high school as homecoming king and graduated with his class.

Determined not to let his injury define him, he enrolled at the University of Denver, a decision that also kept him close to Craig Hospital, where he transitioned from patient to mentor. Today, Mason’s life is filled with adaptive sports.

He plays basketball and tennis in his wheelchair, swims using his upper body, and even surfs strapped to a kayak. He also recently completed Grandma’s Marathon in his hometown, using a hand-powered bike to cross the finish line with a time of 2 hours, 3 minutes, and 52 seconds.

Mason’s journey has inspired thousands. Sharing his daily life on Instagram, he offers insights into how he navigates the world—from getting in and out of bed to driving with adaptive equipment.

His story isn’t just about overcoming paralysis; it’s about redefining what’s possible.

Through his posts, Mason has touched the lives of people around the world, helping them see that, with the right mindset, even the greatest obstacles can be overcome.

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